image credit — @mafuriah

(click to proceed)

image credit — @elizastarkart

Alric Siegryn

🜅 Aimless Alchemist

Gyr Abanian Itinerant

Wayward brother, have you come home at last?

Alric roams the highlands of Gyr Abania, a physician traveling between the smaller settlements scattered about the countryside. Ala Gannha is his most frequented waystop, and periodically he volunteers his services at the Barber in Rhalgr's Reach.He is a willing guide for those who need assistance navigating the Abanian wilds, providing one can tolerate his commentary on nearby ruins and landmarks.

Healer of Esoteric Maladies

Why does this physician disdain conjury so?

Natural curiosity and an inability to leave the ailing untreated has left Alric with an extensive familiarity of afflictions from the esoteric to the outright improbable, and a reputation of willingness to deal with issues too unique to receive orthodox treatment.He answers requests of this nature with enthusiasm, grateful for a welcome challenge, particularly if it gives him the opportunity to succeed where conjury has failed. He often professes a profound dislike of aetheric healing.

Absent Phrontistery Lecturer

What drives a man to relinquish so high a position?

Once a master alchemist working on the payroll of Frondale's Phrontistery, rumors surrounding his absence have dwindled over the moons since his departure.He now lacks the funding his prior lifestyle once afforded him, and the luxury of being particular about his employers. Often hard-pressed for coin, his talents can be bought cheaply.

image credit — @kokolaichainsaw

Athalaric Siegryn

🜆 Rhalgr's Recusant Son

Sullen Scion of the Sepulchre

Traitorous son, this land is not your birthright.

Although he hails from Southern Thanalan, refugees of Little Ala Mhigo would nevertheless find him unfamiliar. It must follow that he was born in the Sepulchre, a son of Corpse Brigade loyalists to Theodoric's reign.It would not be implausible that an alchemist of their number be privy to the means of formulating the infamous poison, Rhalgr's bile.

Bearer of Woodsin's Wrath

Wielder of magicks White, wrought into a weapon of war.

Even the most momentary sojourn into the Twelveswood will see Alric beset by seedkin and beastkin alike. The sulfurous specter of defoliant clings to him as a measure of protection against the enraged treants of the Black Shroud. It takes not a Hearer to assay the depths of animosity the Elementals harbor against him.His distaste for conjury seems to extend only towards instances where it is used as medical artifice; how precisely he utilizes it thus is a matter kept close to the chest.

Cairn Keeper for the Masked

A fading memory, a guttering flame in the dark.

The Fringes (14.2 , 7.2) — Along the western banks of the Velodyna River is a secluded cavern. At its back, almost beyond the reach of firelight, is a simple memorial. Smooth stones stacked carefully into three unmarked, unnamed monuments, small offerings at their base.Coins, a pendant, dried flowers, empty ceramic vessels, and a mask - stark white and featureless save for the now-tarnished silver filigree swathing half the face, gunsmoke uncoiling across a barren sky.

Walkup Prompts

I like walkup RP, with the caveat that the venues at which Alric would feasibly be available for walkup RP are not commonly frequented. This experimental feature is my attempt to remedy that in some small fashion.

If the wayward think he strays,

or the wanderer bereft

When hearth burns dim beneath the blaze,

in dying embers, I am left.

I am the triumph and I the defeat,

I am the slayer and the slain

I am the truth and I the deceit,

I am the freedom and the chain.

Mark well the shadows light without,

that lies at darkness threshold near

I am the faith and I the doubt,

I am the fearless and the fear.

Salvation heeds no fervent wish,

the heavens deaf to pleas beseeched

But I am the arm, and I the fist,

I am the measure of His reach.

See the casern skulking vacant, squat and barren on the tor;
See it choking on the haar that rolls in from the Rothlyt Sound

Can you call it a homecoming if there’s no one else around?
Can you call it a homecoming if you’ve never been before?
Here he comes now, ‘cross the threshold, tarnished badge tight in his fist
Do you mourn us, Athalaric, wayward brother, are we missed?
Taste the heady roll of levin tang of copper and ozone
as it mingles with the salt-spite sting that sweeps across the loch

Is it like your father told you long before you learned to walk?
Is it what you always wanted before you had wants your own?
Slouching sullen underneath the weight of promises unkept
Do you mourn us, Athalaric, wayward brother, have you wept?
As the wind dies, and the fog-churn starts to dwindle to a crawl
Starlight etched across the skyline scribed celestial hieroglyph

Arm upraised he moves to cast his sole companion from the cliff
Yet he cannot slack his grip nor can he let this burden fall
See the casern long abandoned, camped outside the city wall;
Can you call it a homecoming when it wasn’t home at all?

That's it, it's split, it can't recover

Just frame the halves and call them a whole

And chip at the bricks and fill up your pockets

With the pieces of the wall that you stole

That's it, it's split, it won't recover

Just frame the halves and call them brothers

Find your fathers and your mothers

If you remember who they are

RP Preferences

  • long-term stories

  • small-scope narratives

  • IC teaching/mentoring

  • mutual character development

  • alchemical commissions

  • medical interactions

  • low-level combat

  • existing relationships

  • OOC communication

  • please don't be mean

  • please don't be weird

  • please don't be gross

  • please don't be a minor


antioch / 28 / cst / weekdays and late evenings / balmung

themes — Ala Mhigan culture and diaspora, Singerian ethics and the limits of utilitarianism, what is good vs. what is right vs. what is necessary, faith and doubt and apostasy, Ilberd Feare did nothing wrongavailability — I work from home, so there are times when I am available during weekday mornings and early afternoons. My availability in the evenings is a little erratic because it depends on how deftly I can put my kids to bed, so a good ballpark would be 8:30PM CST.writing style — Third-person present-tense paragraph RP is my default preference, but I'm happy to match the style of my writing partner. In-game is also my preferred medium of RP; as convenient as the notion of Discord RP sounds, it hasn't worked for me in the past.feel free to ask — If you'd like to RP with me, but aren't sure how to set things up, please drop me a line via PM or Discord. Tell me about your character and what you're hoping to get out of RP and I'm sure we can figure something out! If not, I have a handful of alts that might be more suitable, too, which can be found here.

Control and Actuation of Eighth-Era Biomachina for Bipedal Gait Synthesis via Aetherochemical Somesthetic Instrumentation

A thesis presented by Athalaric Siegryn
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the accreditation of Mastery of Science
in the subject of Ars Arcanima

The complexity of the leg is reflected in the challenges of developing an artificial leg replacement, in particular that of Spoken and other creatures exhibiting a bipedal gait. Although agonist-antagonist actuation mechanics and framework of a bipedal leg can be simplified as a two degree-of-freedom ambulatory mammet actuated at its joints, the control of locomotion is dependent on environmental stimuli. Ambulation requires the intuitive processing of vast amounts of stimuli to inform locomotive intent, then translate intent to motion with negligible processing, but a prosthesis does not have access to the same sensors. Thus, a limitation of prosthetic control is the necessity of sufficient sensory robustness to motivate biomechanically accurate behavior.In pursuit of sensory robustness, characterization of locomotion-relevant stimuli is critical. These stimuli can be categorized by sensory modality. The somatosensory system is comprised of various intrinsic sensory modes for the perception of internal and proximate stimuli. This paper discusses the somesthetic senses of touch, balance, and proprioception, how such sensory stimuli informs locomotive behavior, and how analogous sensors can be implemented in a lower-limb prosthesis.One can begin by considering automata that already exhibit bipedal behavior; the magitek warmachina employed by the Garlean military comes first to mind when considering such examples. The overengineered stability of the walking frame of magitek vanguards and colossi alike can serve as the foundation for the synthesis of bipedal locomotion algorithms, with analogue hydraulics and redundant range of motion being the compensatory factors for addressing common issues to a bipedal gait, such as uneven terrain and balancing readjustment.This methodology is not without its shortcomings, however, as the control schema dictates the only stimuli to modulate the gait cycle be either contact-reactive or user-input, the latter of which has a rigorous ceiling of competence. This limitation in turn dictates the design criteria of the chassis and actuating components, which makes such architecture impractical for the purpose of limb replacement, for which a significantly higher power-to-weight ratio is necessary. Furthermore, when considering bipedal automata, the entirety of the gait cycle is synthesized by the controller - in the instance of limb replacement, however, such a device lacks any innate method to percieve the position and trajectory of the alternate limb [...]

image credit — @kokolaichainsaw

image credit — @SirScarab

image credit — @icicleteeth

voice credit — Sunkrish Bala — Royce Bracket — Transistor